Phase 2

Upgrade on the artwork

the animated pet will go from 32x32 pixel to 64x64 pixel. more details can be add and more variety is open up.

Series 2

dropping 65 more animated pets with the theme of Local animals. the animal chosen for this series are Orangutan. 3 tiers of animation are introduced with all different animation. Wira is introduced as our mascot for the 2nd series

For the Donation, can refer to #WiraDonates

Series 3

dropping 65 more animated pets with the theme of asia animals. A poll will be release both on discord and twitter for the next pets on the series. The option for this series was a Binturong and a Pangolin

Series 4

dropping 65 more animated pets with the theme of endangered animals. A poll will be release both on discord and twitter for the next pets on the series.

Series 5

dropping 65 more animated pets with the theme of extinct animals. A poll will be release both on discord and twitter for the next pets on the series.

Last updated